OIL INDUSTRY AND REPRODUCTION. The oil-and-gas-industry-and the-chemical-toxins-produced from the refineries, oil drilling-the-hazards-on-reproduction-and-management Introduction: In this article, we delve into the industry—the chemical toxins produced by the refineries’ oil drilling-the-hazards-on-reproduction-and-management. Over the last four decades, I have acquired experience in the management of infertility within and outside the country. Those obtained since establishing the first Modern…

Diverticulosis: Management and Prevention

Diverticulosis: Management and Prevention   Introduction: Diverticulosis is a common digestive condition that affects the large intestine (colon). We characterize it by small pouches or pockets in the colon’s lining. While it often remains asymptomatic, it can lead to complications such as Diverticulitis if left untreated. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of…

Gestational surrogacy in Nigeria

Gestational Surrogacy in Nigeria.

Gestational Surrogacy in Nigeria. Our bab(y)ies, your uterus —a retrospective study on surrogacy at a private fertility center in South West Nigeria Mojisola M. Aderonmu, MBBS, FWACS, FMCOG*, Adebisi N. Oyero, MBBS, Olaitan B. Shote, MBBS, Chinelo G. Okonkwo, RN, BNSc, Oladapo A. Ashiru, MBBS, MS, PhD, HCLD/CC Abstract Introduction: The publication on Gestational Surrogacy…

Elevated Scrotal Temperature causes male infertility.

ELEVATED SCROTAL TEMPERATURE CAUSES MALE INFERTILITY ELEVATED SCROTAL TEMPERATURE BY OUR MODERN TECHNOLOGY IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF MALE INFERTILITY. Introduction Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure of a heterosexual couple to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Thus, a couple…