celebrating the future of embryology

Celebrating the Future of Embryology

The Institute of Assisted Reproduction and Training (IART), in partnership with Medical Art Center, recently concluded another successful Embryology Training Program, equipping participants with the knowledge and hands-on skills essential for excellence in the field of assisted reproduction therefore celebrating the future of embryology. Over the course of the training, participants engaged in cutting-edge laboratory…

Update on Premature Ovarian Failure: Effective Management.

  Introduction:   Welcome to the Medical Art Center (MART GROUP) weekly Fertility fact sheet, your go-to resource for comprehensive fertility information. This article will discuss premature ovarian failure (POF), its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and recent therapeutic management. It will present recent updates on the effective therapeutic management of Premature ovarian failure (POF). As a…

Low Thyroid function can lead to infertility and decrease libido.

Men and women don’t realize that good thyroid function is necessary for fertility and the ability to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. A low or hyper-functioning thyroid gland can prevent you from achieving that much-desired pregnancy. While there are many and varied reasons for infertility, suboptimal thyroid function may be that “missing link,” especially for…

“The value of In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) in eliminating sickle cell disease and family balancing”

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) in sickle cell disease and family balancing   Assisted Reproductive Technology development started after the breakthrough of Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards in the successful birth of a baby in 1978, after in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET). Increase knowledge in the Assisted Reproductive Technology was in…