To truly live, you must be healthy. Longevity is good, but good health is what makes it worthwhile. Everyone desires longevity. Nobody wants to languish in pain, discomfort, and unease for unspecified periods because good health allows us to take full advantage of life’s blessings. It allows us to enjoy the company of our loved ones, discover and experience new things, and even actualize all our dreams and potential. Without a doubt, good health is true wealth.
Yet, illnesses are inevitable; and often random. Some health conditions are a result of aging or genetic factors at birth. Some are from environmental exposure to toxins, organisms, or chemicals.
A good number of diseases are also self-inflicted because of ignorance of the danger our everyday food and fashion choices have on our overall health.
However, proper health care is the best solution to all illnesses and diseases. Its benefits compound over time and ensure victory over most common health conditions that render others helpless and resigned to preventable morbidity.
Prevention is a significant tenet of medicine and the first level of management in health care. It means taking care of your body before it breaks down. Prevention is cheaper, often more straightforward, and ultimately more beneficial than curative care or management of complications. Ask anyone who has ever suffered a significant illness, and they will tell you.
Although general preventive measures are not 100% fool-proof against health challenges, they drastically reduce the possibility, severity, and duration of illnesses that prove inevitable. Therefore, it makes all the sense to invest in preventive measures for good health, a philosophy we adhere to at the Mart-Life Detox Clinic.
6 Practical Preventive Measures for Continuous Good Health
Your Diet: Modern Mayr medicine poses that overall good health heavily depends on the digestive system’s health. Many lifestyle illnesses can be prevented or effectively managed by a healthy, balanced diet mindful of individual food intolerances and sensitivities. Meals should be individualized, organic, and devoid of junk. Keeping the digestive system healthy also involves regular and effective evacuation of waste. Those who struggle with recurrent constipation may find occasional colon hydrotherapy quite helpful.
Hydration: Make sure you drink 2-3 liters of water every day. Water does not have a substitute, therefore, fizzy drinks, energy drinks, and alcohol do not help stay hydrated. Instead, drink clean potable water. The human kidneys and the digestive system can only do their jobs properly with proper hydration.
Stress: When left unchecked, stress dramatically increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, weight gain, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. You must find time to invest in a stress-reducing program like the Mayr detoxification program, which centers on rest, proper nutrition, and general body cleansing.
Physical exercise: Moderate-intensity exercise, apart from the obvious benefit of weight reduction, is exceptionally beneficial as it stimulates cellular immunity, reduces the release of stress hormones, and helps trigger the release of neurotransmitter hormones that positively affect mood and behavior.
Sleep: Like water, there is no substitute for good sleep. Adequate sleep of up to 7-8 hours helps the body and brain function properly, repair the immune system and regenerate body cells as needed. Enough sleep is also essential for proper cognition, learning, good memory, hormonal balance, and weight control.
Environmental toxins: Try to minimize exposure to environmental toxins and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which have side effects on fertility, the aging process, and general good health. The Comprehensive Mayr detoxification program at Mart-Life Detox approaches good health from a preventive point of view and has had a lot of success managing environmental toxins whose negative impacts on health are often overlooked. It involves bioenergetic testing to identify individual food sensitivity, environmental toxins, and harmful pathogens (Stressors). The stressors contribute to ill health, enabling us to tailor management to individual needs. The program is centered around good health investment, which assures of us long life and good health.